The BOSS SHADOW 270 Standard Awnings With Zip Rooftop Tent Entry are the perfect addition to your outdoor gear for adventures off the beaten track. Whether you’re enjoying a sunny day at the beach, camping in nature, or working outdoors, this awning delivers the shade you need to protect your family from the harsh Australian sun. Its practical design ensures comfort during all your outdoor activities.
With a robust gusseted aluminium A-frame construction, the BOSS SHADOW Awnings are a true free-standing structure that combines strength with portability. It’s lightweight enough for easy one-person setup and takedown, making it a breeze to use. Complete with necessary mounting brackets, poles for stability on windy days, and integrated lighting for nighttime enjoyment, this awning is an essential tool for outdoor enthusiasts.
WATCH: Jase takes a closer look at the new BOSS Shadow 270 Awning!
- Freestanding Design: The gusseted aluminium A-frame makes this awning strong enough to stand on its own, yet light enough for one-person setup and takedown.
- Zip RTT Entry: Now with zip-access entry for rooftop tents (RTT), making it easier than ever to integrate with your camping setup.
- Durable Materials: Made with 1000GSM PVC and 280GSM polyester cotton canvas, the awning is waterproof (3000mm) and provides UV50+ protection.
- Innovative Locking Mechanism: Features an upgraded aluminium twist-lock system for superior locking power, replacing traditional cam locks.
- Integrated LED Lighting: Comes with 3 dual-colour LED strips, dimmable and adjustable from white to “bug-free” yellow. Powered by a 3m USB cable, providing convenient illumination after dark.
- 12-Month Manufacturer Warranty: Enjoy peace of mind with a full year of coverage.
The BOSS Shadow 270 Standard With Zip Rooftop entry Awning is a game-changer!
Why Choose the Boss Shadow 270 Awning?
- Perfect for High-Lift Vehicles: Poles are 260cm long, ideal for high-lift vehicles and added stability in challenging conditions.
- Ultimate Protection: Waterproof and UV-resistant, ensuring protection from rain and harsh sunlight.
- Versatile Use: Ideal for camping, 4WD adventures, beach trips, or worksite shade.
- Effortless Setup: Designed for one-person setup with quick-release ratchets and intuitive locking mechanisms.
- Durable Construction: Built with high-quality 304 stainless steel fittings and rugged materials for long-lasting performance.
Whether you’re gearing up for an off-road adventure or simply need reliable shade, the Boss Shadow 270 Standard Awning with Zip RTT Entry delivers unbeatable performance and convenience.
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